As SpamSentinel checks your messages, it also looks at existing "electronic" relationships to see if you have ever communiucated with this sender. If you haven't, they coild be plagged sa untrusted No good mail is stopped if you have an "email" or "contact" relationship with any sender. You also can maintain what used to be called White lists and black lists, which we just call "preferences" by dragging messages between Inbox and Junkmail, or back again. Domino administrators are freed up to do productive work, and no longer have to answer user questions like "Can you tell me if an important message was blocked?" InboxGenius also manages Newsletters, and puts them into their own folder, to declutter your Inbox. Watch this fun video about how InboxGenius "watches" your actions and uses that information to "clean up" your Inbox:
MX Failover: If you are using our on-premise solution, you can still use our MX failover service to back you up in case of power, telecommunications problems or hardware problems. We will notify you that mail is backing up on our servers. Many customers say we are often first to alert them to a problem. Automatic Product Updates: SpamSentinel automatically updates itself so you have the latest protection. Fully Functional 30 day trial of SpamSentinel for Domino ( ) About Privacy
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