Frequently Asked Questions
about the SpamSentinel Client
What Ports do you use to access your database of known spam?
Port 2703 needs to be open for outbound traffic for your server to access our catalog of known spam.

Do you download the spam catalog to my PC?
We do not download the catalog due to its size and the real-time nature. Approximately 1,000,000 new messages are being reported every hour. We check each mail against this real-time database.

Do you remove spam automatically?
Unfortunately, Notes does not make this easy. You must click the "Run SpamNet Now" button to check your email for spam. Our server version does block spam automatically, and works in conjunctions with the client version.

What DNS lists do you block? Is my company on that list?
We do not use DNS block lists because of that issue. We block individual messages, not IP addresses or DNS entries.

Can I blacklist other domains myself?
Absolutely. We allow you to blacklist any user or domain in real time. We create one Notes document per domain, so you can mange it. As soon as you save the document, that domain is blacklisted.

Is there a limit to the number of domains that we can blacklist?
There is no limit. You could easily list 10,000 domains (although our service handles most of your spam problems without blacklisting a single domain.

Can I Whitelist domains myself?
You can whitelist names and domains by making an entry in our administrator database, all in real-time. The entry takes effect immediately, and supersedes all other entries.

What is the order of evaluation of Whitelist, blacklists and your catalog of known spam?
Your whitelists are examined first, then the blacklists, and then we check the catalog.

Do you get many false positives?
The biggest problem with most spam filtering techniques is false positives. Keyword filters create them. Domain rules create them. Subject filtering creates them.

For starters, we do not look at Notes mail generated internally, only mail from the SMTP gateway. So, there is 0% chance of false positives from internal Notes mail.

We have almost no false positives on the remaining SMTP mail because of our approach of listing all known spam signatures in a database just like virus signatures are stored. A message would have to be sent to thousands of external email addresses, and blocked by many of our users before it makes it to our real-time database.
Good Reviews
"The install was a piece of cake, and yes I'm very impressed with it so far."
Joe B, System Engineer

"We are satisfied with the product, and would like to place an initial order for two licenses"
Jim S

"Can I get the full version? I HATE having that spam still in my mail box, yuck :-(D

"This client is great. It is just what some of us have been looking for. I am the IS guy within an engineering department and as such have influence with the engineering group. I have mentioned the product to our larger IS group"
David T., System Coordinato

"So far so good I have to say. It works well"
Jim M.,

"I'm now blocking about 75% of spam - which is already a great relief"
John P.

"I like this product very much and would like to see how it runs on the server."
Jon S.

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