SpamSentinel for Domino Server
The best way to stop Spam for Lotus Notes mail users
"I have approval to purchase an ongoing subscription to your SpamSentinel package. For the record you were tested against a variety of other products including Hexamail and Internet Exchange. We liked SpamSentinel's straightforward logical design, other products seemed excessively complicated, also of course it blocks nearly all of our Spam." - Brian Parker, Systems Manager, Nemian Life, Luxembourg
Spam Filtering to make Notes & Domino Administrators' jobs easier!
SpamSentinel relies on over 10,000,000 spamfighters who collectively inspect and report spam to SpamNet, which we use for verification.
We want you out of the Spam Business!
This means that SpamSentinel works right out of the box. You do not have to type every dirty word you know (and a few you don't know), or "train" our software, nor do you have to write complicated rules every day. Forget about 1-2 hours per day fighting the battle!
With SpamSentinel, our SpamFighters are helping you every day by reporting spam. Read about SpamFighters

No Maintenance Software
Our software is designed around completely eliminating any time you spend monitoring spam.

Self Service for End Users
All end users can receive a report of quarantined spam so they don't call you every day.

Read about the SpamSentinel Reporting tool

Trap Mail at
SpamSentinel automatically checks all of your mail messages against a list on known Spam. It then moves the spam to a Quarantine Database. It works with multiple files, such as,,, etc.

Compatible with any virus protection software, such as GroupShield.

Near Zero False Positives
The biggest problem with most spam filtering techniques is false positives. Keyword filters create them. Domain rules create them. Subject filtering creates them.

For starters, we do not look at Notes mail generated internally, only mail from the SMTP gateway. So, there is 0% chance of false positives from internal Notes mail.

We have almost no false positives because of our technology of listing all known spam signatures in a database just like virus signatures are stored.

A message would have to be sent to thousands of external email addresses, and blocked by many of our users before it makes it to our real-time database.

Less Dead Letters in
Because we stop and quarantine the spam to users that are no longer with the company, your Domino server does not spend the next 24 to 48 hours trying to reply to a bogus sender:
User ex_employee ( not listed in public Name & Address Book
Notes Administrators will only need to clean out their inbox once per month! That's a huge timesaver.

Maintain Organization-wide Black Lists
In addition to our database of 100+ million known spam signatures, you can also blacklist any user or domain that you choose. You can do it with a single button click, adding as many domains as you like without restarting the Domino server.

Blacklist an Entire Domain
Blacklist a single email address
Maintain Whitelists
If there is a domain or user that you always want to get through, you can use our one-button whitelist option and that will supercede our database of 100+ million spam signatures.

Whitelist an Entire Domain
Whitelist a single email address

Privacy - No email is sent to the server, just the digest of the mail message, which is a 40 character digit "fingerprint" of the message which looks like:

SpamSentinel Reporting Tool
SpamSentinel comes with a reporting tool to let each person know what spam was caught. It sends a daily summary of caught messages to each user. Continuing the self-service model, Lotus Notes administrators are freed up to do productive work, and no longer have to answer user questions like "Can you tell me if an important message was blocked?"
Read about the SpamSentinel Reporting tool

Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about what we do to your Domino server?
- Supported Platforms
- Port 80 or Port 2703
- Privacy
- Server Performance Improvement

Read our Domino server FAQ

Site Licenses Available
Site Licenses - If you would like to block spam and deploy SpamSentinel to your entire organization, a site license may be the best option. Working in conjunction with Lotus Domino server's existing blocking technology, this adds a second layer of anti-spam protection before the mail message even enters your organization.

First, try it on your own machine to see how well it works. Then, call us at (978) 635-1700 to discuss pricing and deployment options. Ask for Customer Support or Allison Cote.

Download SpamSentinel
Download a 30 day Domino server evaluation that you will want to buy after just 5 days of using it!
Download SpamSentinel Server Version

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Sample Customers

Good Reviews
"The install was a piece of cake, and yes I'm very impressed with it so far."
- Joe B, System Engineer

"We are satisfied with the product, and would like to place an initial order for two licenses"
- Jim S

"Can I get the full version? I HATE having that spam still in my mail box, yuck :-(D
- Wayne

"This client is great. It is just what some of us have been looking for. I am the IS guy within an engineering department and as such have influence with the engineering group. I have mentioned the product to our larger IS group"
- David T., System Coordinato

"So far so good I have to say. It works well"
- Jim M.,

"I'm now blocking about 75% of spam - which is already a great relief"
- John P.

"I like this product very much and would like to see how it runs on the server."
- Jon S.

Workstation Version
SpamSentinel is available as a workstation version that lets users self manage their spam. End users get to Block spam at their desktops, but only new spam that has not yet been reported to SpamNet. Read about the client version

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