Spam from Nathan


I dug this Spam from Nathan via DominoFiles out of my JunkMail folder:

Nathan Freeman
Nathan Freeman

GROUP Frameworks VP R&D, an expert in XPages application development with more than 18 years of Lotus expertise.

Convert your Apps to XPages
with new Transformer Technology

This spam is from DominoFiles, the company Nathan and others allege is a sister company of mine, but which is false (but fact checking is not a necessary part of flaming someone, as I have found out). Nathan decries my (nonexistent) relationship with them, yet uses them to promote his new product with their spam.

As I said in Carl's blog, email is dead as a promotional tool. But Nathan hasn't found that out yet and still uses it to promote what looks like an interesting product.

Irony? Nathan, you are the master!

(and Nathan, I won't disable comments as you did, so you can put a link to your new product and help your own SEO).

( domino-web.maysoft.com )