60 Second video: Why you need to be listed in the NotesAppStore


I am trying to make a simple message on why all Lotus Notes and Domino vendors need to be listed in the NotesAppStore.

Here are the basic reasons, all focusing on a potential customer of Lotus Notes and Domino products:

1. Google search. The NotesAppStore is climbing in Google ratings and will soon be the first place to look by potential customers. They will find all Lotus Notes and Domino vendors in a single "place".

2. Reviews: Potential customers want to see independent reviews of a product. We only use LinkedIn to verify the identity of a reviewer, and I remove any "vanity" or "self-reviews" as soon as they are posted. These are posted in their native language, which helps searchers find information about a product even if they don't speak English.

3. Quotes: Potential customers can request a quote for a product while remaining anonymous. This encourages them to ask for a quote, knowing they won't be harassed by a vendor.

4. Resellers: Finding a reseller in your local country is very difficult, but the NotesAppStore has listings by product and country, in the native language, which again is convenient for potential buyers.

5. Listings are free. A comprehensive NotesAppStore is important to potential customers, which is why I do not charge any money. The more vendors that are listed, the more useful the site it to potential customers.


( domino-web.maysoft.com )