Thank You to Our Showcase Booth Buddies


This Lotusphere, as in past years, we had our "booth buddies" help out on the Showcase floor. Business partners, customers and our designated charity spent time at our booth to tell their story of their experiences with SpamSentinel.

A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who helped tell our story. We really appreciate the diversity of people, companies and countries represented.

Business Partners

Donova.se (Sweden)
Donova is anchoring our European hosted SpamSentinel customers as a primary MX gateway.
Mats Jansson
Fredrik Sandblom

Castlebreck (Canada)
Colin Breckles

GoldenNotes (United States)
Paul Goldenburg

BusinessCom (Denmark)
John Schmidt

In://ForM (France)
Jerome Deniau

Nashen Technologies (Canada)
David Provencher


Imerys (USA)
Dave Bailey - Dave helped enormously by sharing actual experience using our hosted platform in conjunction with our on-premise solution. He had the Imerys Case Study available as a take-away piece, too. Dave's management likes how much our cloud offering (hosted SpamSentinel) reduces his network bandwidth substantially.

Milliken & Company (USA)
Bob Warth - Bob shared support stories with other attendees, explaining how having the cell phone numbers of our support staff makes him comfortable that he will have immediate support whenever he needs it. (Bob would never wait 24-48 hours for a call back and can't understand why anyone would put up with waiting that long).

Rich Truex (USA)
Rich was a customer from Rawlings Sporting Goods for 5 years. He always made suggestions for product improvements, many of which were adopted into the product. I can't print some of his colorful spam stories here, but suffice it to say that content filtering was not a spam blocking option for an organization that sells "balls", so he turned to SpamSentinel, which did not have the false positive problem of his previous solution!


The Salvation Army (worldwide)
Eric Petersen - Eric handed out The Salvation Army case study about spam blocking in 50 countries to keep their Notes email clean with SpamSentinel. Eric appreciates that even though we donated a worldwide site license of SpamSentinel, we treat The Salvation Army with as much care and attention as we give to our paying customers.

MayFlower Software

Allison Cote
Frank Paolino
Nick McCann

A special thank you to Allison Cote for managing the booth, and coordinating the schedule of 12 booth buddies, and helping organize the opening "Tailgate Party" along with Sherpa Software and Permessa.

Allison Cote and Colin Breckles.

Paul Goldenburg, Dave Bailey, Jerome Deniau

Frank Paolino, Allison Cote, Colin Breckles. Fredrik Sandblom, Eric Petersen, Nick McCann.

Mats Jansson from Sweden, contemplating more hosted customers in Europe.

( domino-web.maysoft.com )