"Notes Floats My Boat" worldwide translation


We love this t-shirt. It says "Notes Floats My Boat" in English. But what does it mean in German? Russian? French? Chinese? Spanish? Japanese? Italian? Swedish? Polish? Portuguese? Probably nothing, as it is an idiomatic expression. So, we are looking to make an international t-shirt that expresses our feelings about Lotus Notes, with as many languages represented as we possibly can.

So, we are calling on the Notes community, native speakers of all languages, tell us how you say "Notes is #1 for me"! We are looking for an idiomatic fun expression, not a literal translation. If it rhymes with Notes, even better! The most popular entry for each language (based on @Comments in this blog) will get a free t-shirt at Lotusphere (or mailed to them anywhere in the world). We will also give away 500 of these t-shirts at our booth (#530) at Lotusphere 2009!

Wearers of the final t-shirt will be able to show that Notes is loved in every language!

So come on, tell us, in your native language, "Notes is #1 for me" !

( domino-web.maysoft.com )