PayPal Phishing Scam


More Lotus Notes Spam that tries to get you to their site via a scare tactic. In this case, they sent this message to Allison (why does she get all the scam spam?)

The address looks real, but underneath the display URL of www.paypal.com is:

This Phishing link is now disabled, as the spammers start and stop these links in one day. By the time they are found, the spammers have already moved on to other locations.

So, beware when someone warns you that you account has been compromised! Do NOT use the provided link. If you decide to check out the link, open it from your browser by typing it manually. Then log in normally. You will see that no one has been added to your PayPal account. And the scammers will be a little poorer...

( domino-web.maysoft.com )