Version 7 of SpamSentinel Duo


I have finally approved the official release of Version 7 of SpamSentinel Duo. Version 7 continues to use dual engines that work together to identify spam and viruses. Added features include a new look and feel as well as the ability to use our anti-virus feature alongside another anti-virus solution without interference. As with Version 6.5, the perimeter like approach stops 75% of spam before it enters your mail system. We immediately quarantine this spam as "Category D" prior to delivery to mail.box. SpamSentinel Duo blocks more spam while more correctly identifying caught valid messages. You can expect a 99.44% block rate!

We have begun the roll-out of Version 7 - upgrades will take place over the next 4 to 8 weeks. You will hear from us via email with instructions once the auto-update is complete. You will need to restart the server to activate the upgrade. If you have particular requirements with regard to the auto-update feature, please let me know. To ensure that you receive this upgrade notification, please check the License Code tab in your SpamSentinel Configuration Document to make sure that the Administrators Email field is correct.

If you are currently running version 6.5xx or, it is not critical to perform this upgrade immediately. The spam blocking rate is very similar to that of Version 7. Our overall goal is to simply put all customers on the same version during the next several months.

For customers who have opted out of the auto-update process or for those running on Linux / iSeries, we will provide the upgrade link via email notification. Simply follow the installation guide to perform the upgrade.

Our support team is available to assist with all upgrades as needed.

MayFlower Software

Phone: 978.635.1700
Email: support@maysoft.com

( domino-web.maysoft.com )